Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'm Back!!

It's been a long three months. At the very end of September, a few days before I was to run the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 10 miler at Disney world, I injured my hip during a short taper run. It hurt so bad I almost cried and I cut my run short. I ran the race in a decent time considering the heat and humidity of the night. I had only run twice more in the three months before today and they didn't go well.

After a few people adivising me that it might be my hip flexor, I reluctantly scheduled a doctors appointment and went just a few days ago. I discovered that it was not in fact my hip flexor, but my IT band was tight. They are tight on both sides with a little bit of bursitis in my right knee (the injured side). My doctor advised me that with stretching, Tylenol, and easing into it, I was free to run.


So much time waiting and hoping that resting would fix the problem, logic won out and now I can get back on my road to great things. I have some big things planned for this year including a marathon and convincing my boyfriend to run a half with me just the week or two before.

This was the best thing I could ask for and I'm jumping right back on yhe road with a short 2 mile run. I'm ready for the year ahead and all that it will bring me. It is finally my new year.

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