Monday, March 4, 2013

Healthy Eating

I have to say that for a broke college student, finding recipes that are cheap, easy, healthy, and most importantly cheap are hard to find. A lot of recipes I find expect that your kitchen is stocked or have quite an ingredients list. It's very difficult to just find simple!

Enter Pinterest. The Mecca of recipes. I have been able to find so many and have successfully tried a few. The links to blogs and new things are endless!!

Because Friday was my 2 year anniversary with Tim and we weren't sure we wanted to go out, making dinner was a great option. I used this time to pick about 4 new recipes to make for the week and shopping we went!! I was so excited that we didn't spend much at all. And we got so much healthy stuff!! Not to mention a 9x13 pan I've been dying to get.

We ended up making stuffed peppers. It was so simple and took less than an hour to make. Here is where the recipe came from. It was so delicious and made my 11 mile run the next day feel amazing. Simple and small ingredient list made this a winner. I really can't wait to try it again. You should too!!

Hopefully I'll have some more amazing recipes and pictures as the week goes on! 

Until next time! 

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